Monday, July 13, 2009

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

Keeping your make-up brushes clean is the most important step in your makeup application, regardless of whether you are a professional makeup artist or not. Not only can makeup and makeup tools (sponges, brushes, etc..) harbor dangerous bacteria than not only can be bad for your skin ( clogged pores, breakouts, rashes, etc.) but bad for your health ( colds, flu, recurring cold sores, etc.) So clean your brushes regularly! If you take good care of your brushes they will last longer, and will improve the application of your make up!

What I do is clean them after each use with brush cleaner, and I also shampoo and condition them at least once if not twice a week. I highly recommend Cinema Secrets brush
cleaner. It is antifungal, anti bacterial, cleans all the make up off your brush in ONE dip, smells good, and dries fast within minutes so you don't have to wait to use your brushes again.

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